upload website

hope137 wrote on 6/10/2013, 11:45 AM

I have tried to upload my website, whic I have created with xara web design, and all of my pages appear to upload, but when I try to access them, I get the message "A new website is under construction here"   I have looked at each page and don't see any differences in the way I have set them up.  Can anyone give me an idea what to look for?  I have tried uploading from "FileZilla" and the Magix upload and get the same problem.


Thank you for any help you can give.


gandjcarr wrote on 6/10/2013, 7:28 PM


What is the file name of your home or landing page?  It needs to be "index", otherwise it will not work.

Send me the url via private message or post it here in the forum and I will have a look at it.


Idealist wrote on 6/11/2013, 9:13 AM

It can be helpful for our understanding if you will tell us de whole internet-address (http:... etc. and  htm or html inclusiv). The address must not be the index.htm, if you complete the address with the page-name, e.g. http://domain/project/xxx.htm. There are some pitfalls: the name of the htm-page must be written exactly as it was for the upload, be aware of upper/lowercase, htm or html, project or subfile, domain or subdomain, no blanks, "-" instead of "_", and such things more.

hope137 wrote on 6/12/2013, 11:50 AM

Thank you for your help.  my internet address is: http://hope137.magix.net/public .  Any input I can get will be helpful.

gandjcarr wrote on 6/13/2013, 12:52 PM

Hi hope137,

I tried your web site using 3 web browsers and I was able to view it with all three.  The ones I used are Firefox, Internet Explorer 9, and Safari.

This is the home page I saw when I navigated to this site.

If you are using internet explorer, you may need to reset it, or it could just be that there was some delay between the time you uploaded the site and it was posted on the web by your hosting provider.

Try it again, and let me know if you still can't see it.  Also tell me what browser you are using.


hope137 wrote on 6/13/2013, 7:51 PM

Thanks for the input.  I am able to access most of the site, but am unable to access the "Public Housing" link, the "Public Housing Family", "Public Housing Elderly", and "Section 8"  links.  all others are fine.

Idealist wrote on 6/16/2013, 1:26 AM

remember what I told you? NO BLANCS anywhere in the address! There is a blanc between ...housing family and ...section 8 and  in the other addresses. Eliminate the blancs in the links and all is working well.