Upgrade Samplitude Pro X7/X8

Strange-Sounds wrote on 5/14/2023, 1:54 AM

I bought upgrade for Samplitude Pro X7 Suite on May 1, 2023 for 199EU, it was the last day of the promotion. On the next day there was a new promotion for the same software for 149 EU, so I feel a bit cheated.

Now I got a new promotion from Magix again for Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, but this time with a free upgrade to Samplitude Pro X8 Suite, so I don't understand why I wasn't able to upgrade to Pro X8 earlier. I feel confused that as an old Samplitude user, I have to buy the same software for a second time :(


SP. wrote on 5/14/2023, 2:32 AM

@Strange-Sounds Yeah, Magix changes the offer prices regularly. They are usually between 149 and 249 Euros. Sometimes also additional bonus software is included, but then it's mostly a more expensive offer.

Have you had installed a Samplitude version before upgrading to X7 with enabled Update Notifier (the Magix software that shows the advertisements during PC start-up)? It shows the X7+X8 offer for some time now.

The Pro X7 Suite + Pro X8 Suite offer is available since April 19th if I remember it correctly but it's much more expensive, it costs around 300 Euros. Pro X8 is currently planned to releases at the end of May or early June.

Strange-Sounds wrote on 5/14/2023, 5:03 AM

I own Samplitude Pro X3, X5, X6 and now X7, my PC isn't online all the time, so I may have missed the notification. When I bought the Pro X5 I got a free upgrade to the Pro X6 for 249 EU.

I guess it's time to switch to Reaper, at least they treat the customer with dignity there.

Best Regards



SP. wrote on 5/14/2023, 5:40 AM

@Strange-Sounds It's most of the time a good idea to skip versions. For example I skip usually three versions. Then the upgrade price is much more reasonable.

Antonio-MesaReguera wrote on 12/27/2023, 6:54 AM

Buenos días:

Soy cliente fiel de Samplitude pro. Actualmente tengo instalado el pro 7. Descargué una actualización, y en ella me ofrecen el pro 8, momento en el que no me interesa, prefiero continuar con el 7.

Una vez descargada dicha actualización, no me funciona los MIDIS.

Cuando estoy intentando tocar un instrumento vst, cualquiera, al accionar una tecla, suena la bajada y la subida, no pudiendo hacer nada ya que por cada tecla que toco se repite dos veces la nota.

Lo he desinstalado y vuelto a instalar, y sin la actualización funciona bien, en el momento que se actualiza vuelve a tener el error, por lo que la actualización es la que está fastidiando el programa.

Por favor, indiquenme como puedo solucionarlo, y evitar que salga nuevamente la invitación a actualización a pro 8. Gracias.