Updating online and the free downloads.

denbass42 wrote on 7/27/2011, 11:46 PM

I downloaded the updates, but the newer version does not appear under help and about.  The about shows the original version and not  The window said it was downloaded successfully. What did I do wrong?

I downloaded all of the free downloads, but I can't find them on my computer.  How do I access them?

I don't understand how to move the photos over so i can enter text at the beginning of my slideshow. I activated the Intelligent Mouse Mode, but it only moved the first photo under the second.  When I typed my text on the black space, it appears on all the photos. 

 I need to access the tutorials so I can learn about this program.  I've been an Elements user for years, which uses much different terminology.

Please give me some detailed guidance on using this program successfully.


Thank you



john-auvil wrote on 7/29/2011, 11:25 AM

This is a user-to-user area... but with a little luck and patients... we can help. If you downloaded these... do you know if they were run to apply? Do you know what location they were saved? That would be something you would need to keep attention to, as the software does not just apply the patch unless your Windows system is setup that way. You made need to go through the download process to the point of seeing where the files by default are saving... if its a temp file, you will probably need to re-download. I always download these files to desktop, once they have downloaded, I click to run them from desktop. Once I have verified the file has installed, I can then delete the download material from Desktop.

I use Magix PhotoStory (since version 7) and I am now on the PhotoStory 10 Deluxe.

First thing I think we should talk about are the different modes. StoryBoard, Time-line, Overview. I will screen cap each of this with a small project open so you can see how the different modes alter the project and how it`s handled.

StoryBoard Mode:

This mode allows you quick access to things such as adding text, rotating, or effects... transitions. If you added Text using the text tool icon, it will only add text to the one image. Therefore, each tool only edits/alters the slide image it represents.

If you notice, each image is 7 seconds by default, the area that shows time will link to a tool (if clicked) that allows you to alter that duration... there is an apply to all within that area, otherwise this would only alter the duration for that one image.

Time-line Mode:

In the Time-line Mode, the tracks have different functions. This is the exact same project/series of pictures as I show in the StoryBoard Mode. Here things are more complex, but also more user controlled. There are a few ways of entering text.

1. There is a "T" text icon on the tool bar that is directly above the time-line itself. This will add a text object to where ever the time-line cursor is positioned. Since texted also comes in at a default length, this means it could overlap from one image to the next.

Each object has handles (regardless if it is a image, video, text, audio) these handles do different things, depending on the media type.

2. Using the "Titles" tab from the Media Pool/File Manager.  Here you can see the different default text templates Magix has created for use in the project (each can be further edited to suit your needs). Clicking on any will give you a preview of that text in the Preview Monitor. If you want this title, double clicking it will set it to where the time-line cursor is set, or you can drag and drop this into the text track and position it where you want it.

The text itself is changed and altered within the Preview Monitor, there you can type in what you want, size and position it where you want it and using the General field in the Titles tab, change the color, font, font face, and other font/title related features.

Overview Mode:

In this mode, you see all the image/video that you have loaded in your project. Here is where you can reposition easily the order you want the images displayed, it is read from left to right, top to bottom.

I think that might give you a general idea on moving and text, but if not... let me know and I can show things in more detail.