unwanted menu appears between slideshows

Gessaman wrote on 12/11/2011, 11:08 PM

I have 9 slideshows in one project. When I play the preview of the project in the Burn mode it shows the menu at the beginning but also for less than one second between each slideshow. I would like to eliminate that brief appearance of the menu between each slide show.  I only want a menu to appear at the beginning of the project which lasts about 55 minutes.  I am using PhotoStory 10 Deluxe


john-auvil wrote on 12/12/2011, 9:40 AM

Can you explain how you have set up these slide shows...

I might work differently than most other users, so to better understand (and attempt to duplicate) I would like to work the same way you did. Perhaps I can find away to delete these extra menu entries.

Gessaman wrote on 12/12/2011, 2:33 PM


I simply clicked on the line at the bottom of the list of slideshows in the project which reads "create a new slide show".  Thanks!