Under Effects, using "Auto-exposure" doesn't tell you what it has done

simmiv wrote on 9/19/2024, 12:15 AM


When I use the "Auto-exposure" button under Effects, Birghtness/Contrast in Video Pro X16, it sometimes makes a big change to how the video is exposed and sometimes a small change..

Once using the Auto feature, it puts a "Auto lighting" in the effects duration tab with a tick box.

This is all well and good, however it doesn't tell me which exposure controls it has used. i.e. there seems to be no way to find out if it increased/decreased the brightness or contrast and by how much.. This means it's keeping it's secrets close to it's chest..

Just wondering is there a way to see somewhere what adjustments it made to the video footage?



64Bit Windows 10 Pro 21H1, Intel i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, overcloced to 3.99GHZ, 16GB Ram, Up to date with all upgrades and patches.

Nvidia RTX 3060 Eagle OC 12GB Rev 2.0 driving two Dell 27" 4k monitors - S2721QS

C: drive is an SSD but Magix runs from a HDD I: drive.. Saving Exports on a separate SSD drive.


Bol wrote on 9/19/2024, 11:24 AM


Hi Simmi,

This is what it says in the manual of Pro X16. See: search Brightness & contrast (magix-hub.com)

Best Wishes,


Last changed by Bol on 9/19/2024, 11:26 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

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simmiv wrote on 9/19/2024, 4:51 PM

I had looked up the manual and it says'..


With this button you can automatically optimize brightness and contrast with a click. Use the fader in the dialog for finer adjustments.

However there is no information on what adjustments it did, which in my mind makes it a bit useless.. Sometimes it works fine, other times it over exposes the video..

I was just curious if anyone else had worked out what the thing does.. I'm assuming it uses the histogram to adjust the dark, middle and high tones, but there is no information on this that I can find..

64Bit Windows 10 Pro 21H1, Intel i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, overcloced to 3.99GHZ, 16GB Ram, Up to date with all upgrades and patches.

Nvidia RTX 3060 Eagle OC 12GB Rev 2.0 driving two Dell 27" 4k monitors - S2721QS

C: drive is an SSD but Magix runs from a HDD I: drive.. Saving Exports on a separate SSD drive.