Unable to record online audio

Herb1843 wrote on 10/31/2008, 12:16 PM
I've "upgraded" to Magix Audio Cleaning Lab 12 from ACL 10, and it's fine for processing vinyl discs, cassettes, etc.

But I'm unable to record any online audio. With ACL 10, I was. I've poked around into every nook and cranny setting I could find, but nothing comes through.

Supposedly, according to an IT review, ACL 12 can "record anything going through your sound card, whether that's a record player, a Net radio station or the theme from a Web site."

Well, not so far. Any suggestions, solutions?


ralftaro wrote on 11/6/2008, 10:01 AM
Hi there,

Let me guess. You're using Windows Vista now, right?

Recording the stereo mix of your sound card is no problem in ACL 12, and it can be done under Vista, too. It's just a little trickier and you have to jump through a few more hoops to get Vista to enable you to pick the stereo mix for recording in the first place. This is exactly one of the points where Vista differs from the Win 2000/XP generation. Here's in a nutshell what you have to do. (I hope I'll get this right. I'm not on Vista right now.) => Go to Vista's Control Panel, into the "Sound" dialog and to the "Recording" tab. Right-click into the list of visible icons/recording sources and pick the option to display potentially hidden/disabled sources. Then, the "Stereo Mix" option (depends on what your sound driver calls this option) will appear in the list, but will still be displayed as disabled. Right-click on it and select "Enable". Done. Now you can record from this source within Cleaning Lab.

Maybe this link will be helpful, if you want to read up on this issue some more:


I trust this will help.