Unable to import DVD video

hippop11 wrote on 4/19/2009, 7:52 AM
I can play the DVD on my PC and standalone player, I can direct copy with Goya I can import and edit with Nero 7 but cannot import with/to Magic pro14. I can save image to disc as prompted but after copying Magic says the file fomatt ..... VRD_VC1007\VTS.01_1.VOB cannot be opened by Magic. Previous DVD's had issues importing and opening 1st file after title and info so I had to import and save using Nero then re-impot to Magic as a work around but now my nero third party rights have expired so thats not a viable option. I have tried the file conversion method as in another post but that dosnt work either.


ralftaro wrote on 4/21/2009, 8:17 AM

Where do those DVDs come from? Did you record them using a stand-alone DVD recorder? If so, what brand?

I seem to remember hearing about a problem like this before, with always a particular VOB file on the disc not being imported for discs burned with a specific brand or product line (or even just model) of DVD recorder. You might not get around pre-processing and repairing the files in some way before importing them into Movie Edit Pro. Since you can't take your old approach any longer, you might want to try the free MPEG handling tools ProjectX or PVAStrumento.