
ralftaro wrote on 4/13/2009, 1:27 PM

What file type/extension is associated with what application is a setting in your operating system. You can manipulate that in the Windows Explorer (Windows key + E) under "Extras" => "Folder options". (I'm on XP right now, but it should be pretty much the same on Vista.)

Just to open the PDF manual in Adobe Reader this one time, you won't have to change the file type associations, though. You could just run Adobe Reader from the list of your Windows programs (or possibly the desktop icon) and then use its "Open" function and point it to the Cleaning Lab PDF manual. Done.

I hope this helps.

NoTurning wrote on 4/13/2009, 8:04 PM
You can also just right click and select 'Open With' and choose Adobe. If you use the 'choose program' option you can select the 'Always Use the Program' option to force Windows to open with Adobe every time.