Transition Problems

krbarnett wrote on 4/12/2016, 6:36 AM

I am having trouble applying transitions to my photos. I dragged down transitions to the first 20 photos in the slideshow with no problem. When I tried to drag down transitions to susequent photos the program would not apply them. I am able to apply transitions to the new photos by right clicking and adding them from the pop up menu but the selection is limited and I soon run out of choice. What happens now if I try to drag down a transition is that  it jumps back to one of the original 20 photos and is not applied to the photo of my choice. I had an older version of this program and had no trouble with  but I can't make this new version (Magix Photstory 2016 Deluxe ( UDP3 )work. I am running Win 10 on a Dell Desktop)


ram_shear wrote on 5/2/2016, 12:03 AM

I am having trouble applying transitions to my photos. I dragged down transitions to the first 20 photos in the slideshow with no problem. When I tried to drag down transitions to susequent photos the program would not apply them. I am able to apply transitions to the new photos by right clicking and adding them from the pop up menu but the selection is limited and I soon run out of choice. What happens now if I try to drag down a transition is that  it jumps back to one of the original 20 photos and is not applied to the photo of my choice. I had an older version of this program and had no trouble with  but I can't make this new version (Magix Photstory 2016 Deluxe ( UDP3 )work. I am running Win 10 on a Dell Desktop)

I am using the trial version of Photostory 2016 Deluxe as well and having the same issue, in storyboard mode, dragging transition to any slide that I have to scroll right to get to, the transition pops up between slides 2and 3, despite being dragged to slide 20.

As someone new to the product, I'd like to see more video instruction on this software.  The other tool I'm trying right now seems more complicated, but there is much more instruction available on how to do things, and some ot the functionality is not very intuitive. 

Sleon wrote on 9/27/2016, 12:38 PM

Having purchased PhotoStory Dexuxe 2016 a few weeks ago I too came across the problem of transitions dragged and dropped into a chosen position only to find they had jumped lower down to near the start of the slideshow. Selecting Timeline instead a chosen transition dropped into place correctly.