Track 2 in timeline cuts off audio

MikePH wrote on 11/10/2009, 1:37 PM
I'm a new user of MEP 15 with the latest version installed. I have problems on Track 2 of the Timeline about 10 mins into a project. At 10 mins, then at 12 mins, and 13.5 mins, when I try to place a clip onto the Timeline, the audio portion on Track 2 disappears (or is cut off at this point). If I place the same clip at the same timepoint on Tracks 3 & 4, this does not happen. If I place them on Track 2 AFTER the 10 min point they seem OK but when I drag them back to that timepoint the audio disappears. At first I thought that there might be some marker or chapter point interfering with the placement so I have deleted all possible items such as this but it still happens. Have I stumbled upon a bug? The program works fine up to the 10 minute point so I don't know what I an doing wrong. I tried starting a new project and placed the clips in there but the same thing happened after 10 mins.
Any help would be appreciated


massi04 wrote on 11/10/2009, 4:02 PM
Did you make sure that the space around the 10 minutes point is empty? Put your focus on this and zoom to make sure.
In case, you do not find the reason for this behaviour, you could move your sound objects to any track which is still unused.
If you add new audio, the space between two objects should always be longer than the audio object itself.

Well, I wonder myself, what might be going on. What happens, if you try to move any shorter object from left to right or right to left over these time points?