
webguy wrote on 9/11/2008, 1:05 PM
Might wanna try activating mpeg support in the software. And READ the manual.
mattr wrote on 9/11/2008, 7:22 PM
agreed. i TRIED to activate the mpeg (this is a ridiculous idea by the way--why the crap do we have to go through these hoops after already purchasing/registering the product?) and it didn't work.
I have the activation code and all--it just is invalid.
Further: i try to make avi's and when i bring them back into the program (i'm using version 14) they are just green.
Even more: i can't add a simple audio track to the file. I mean, i ADD it but when i export to avi the music is not there.

I really hate this product and am pretty sure all the rave reviews all over the box are fraudulent/paid off. I feel pretty cheated here.

(btw: i'm using Vista on a new computer with more than enough specs, etc.)
siglersmalz wrote on 9/15/2008, 12:29 AM
Sorry you guys are having such a hard time with MEP.  For the price, everyone I've dealt with on the traditional users forum ( and now this forum struggle with MEP, but love the product.

MEP 14+ doesn't have the activiation routine now, but I never had a problem with it when I used MEP 12.

In any case, good luck finding a comparable product for the money.

jbproductions08 wrote on 9/17/2008, 4:42 PM
I have had this program for a couplke of months now and Ive done great work with it. The Mpeg activation didnt take long at all and it did actuall work for me. It really depends on what input source your using to. Mpegs are not as universal as WMA.

One problem, crashing. Sometimes when exporting it will crash and ask to rename which I would do and then it would still do the same thing.