
nihon94 wrote on 6/7/2010, 12:55 PM

You got very nice shure mic sm58. Just reading your question it is difficult to know if you can connect it with usb to computer or not.

Here are some links which will give you idea what to do
Check this link!&p_li=&p_topview=1

This link talks about if Computer has a USB port.
To connect a professional microphone to a computer, you will need to bypass the computer sound card and use a USB interface, such as the Shure X2u XLR-to-USB Signal Adapter. This is a high quality microphone preamp with a USB computer interface. It is an outboard audio interface. That is, you would no longer use the sound card that came in your computer. It does supply phantom power for condenser microphones. You can also purchase a microphone, such as the Shure PG42USB or PG27USB, that have built-in USB ports.

A video link about mic
about mic video

Detail about mic

After confirming if you can use mic with computer connect it
turn on MMM 16. If there isn't any audio on arranger and you just want to record from mic, look at left side (track boxes)the first track
Solo/Mute/Record/FX click on record then look at the middle there is a Transport Bar with Playback function (Play stop rewind and record buttons etc)click record and Audio recording dialogue will be opened follow guidance from 1-3 and do settings finally click on Red button to start recording, from here try to speak in your mic and check if it is recording fine or not.
For more details you better read pdf file of program.

Hope this answer will give you some hints.

Thank you

breasdaddy75 wrote on 7/4/2010, 10:53 AM
 On that same topic, I was looking at an M-audio 2 input external sound card w/ the line, and line/xlr inputs. Do you think that would work as well?   My local guitar center had that set up w/ ableton software and it seemed  to work flawlessly.