switching domains: I already have a domain, but ....???

themagixprince wrote on 9/9/2009, 6:08 PM
I already have a domain name (www.lawsonheightsalliance.com) hosted by another provider (not Magix), and I'd like to switch to Magix.  If I do, can I keep my current web address or will it have to change to something like www.lawsonheightsalliance.magix.com?  AND if I can keep my original name, can my staff keep their email addresses (ie: joe.smith@lawsonheightsalliance.com)?


Former user wrote on 9/10/2009, 2:58 AM

no prob. Read the following instruction about domain transfer to Magix: http://www.magix-online.com/uk/help__support/domain_transfer_service_chprov_switch_providers_to_magix.1501.html.

You can transfer your domain to Magix (but only if you own an Website Maker subscription eg. easy or deluxe). After the transfer you are able to publish your Website Maker projects to this domain. Regarding the email question: YES. You can setup email accounts like this: xxxxx@yourdomainame.com.

Cheers, André