
NoTurning wrote on 10/13/2008, 9:40 AM

First; you're not alone in this and you'll find many here who are willing to help.
Second... it's Justin not Jason and you can contact me directly via my profile with any questions.

With the FCA202 and your set-up you will need a small mixer. I would not get anything less than a 12 input board. I recommend the Behringer UB1202 - it's a small durable board that I am very familiar with. I am a big fan of Behringer products as they provide pro-audio quality and reasonable prices. You will NOT need a sound card with the FCA202 as it will be your sound "card"

We have two types of set ups that we use. 1.) is a PA set-up for live performances which include a large powered mixer and passive speakers and monitors. This set up does not really apply to you.

2.) We have a home studio that we practice and record in. This is more like what you need and I'll give a brief description here:

We use condenser mics and some preamps including the ART Tube MP Pro to record guitars, vocals and saxophone. I use pickups and direct boxes for the lead, bass guitar and acoustics. I plug everything into a small 12 input Behringer UB1202 mixer. From there I run it into a FCA202 firewire recording interface. I run my pc back into the mixer and out to the monitors.

I have full control of each instrument and how they sound. One regret is that I should have bought a bigger mixer. 12 inputs runs out VERY fast... even with only four of us:

Input usage:
1. My vocal mic
2. My keyboard in via direct box
3. Lead singer's vocal mic.
4. Lead guitar vocal mic.
5. Drum Machine
6. Acoustic Guitar Pickup
7. Lead Guitar in
8. Fret mic for acoustic
9. My Saxophone Mic.
10. Bass guitar in via direct box
11. Bass Guitar Vocal Mic.

Everything records into Magix perfectly! When we want to make a final recording... we just record one instrument at a time until the whole song is layered together.

I think this will be an ideal set-up for you as well and you will really have less headaches.
