I'm currently using Mercall Pro V6 within MS2025. I'm started to edit a batch of VHS digitised video that have the date/time stamp in the corner.
I usually blank it out or crop and overlay or anything else that's "normally" when stabilising with Mercalli because the dancing date Is somewhat annoying. With this batch of video though I would like to keep the date/time stamp (if indeed that's what it's called) stationary and visible.
When I just overlay it then the dancing still occasionally jumps about behind the overlay and blanking it out with Logoaway or MPlayer Delogo2 defeats the object of the excercise, so I'm wondering if there is any software that will allow me just to stabilise a section of the video fairly easily and (hopefully) inexpensively.
In other words, for example, select the centre of the video, stabilise it and have it blend into the original without mask and resizing and all the other things that annoy me.