
john-auvil wrote on 5/11/2012, 11:21 AM

What version of PhotoStory do you have?

In The PhotoStory on DVD MX Deluxe, I can import a video clip while in Time-line mode. Now that the video clip with its associated audio are in the project, I select the audio portion of the video clip, Right Click to have it create the audio form. - (This will help visually to see where to place the playback cursor)

For the situation you have, I would probably just isolate the "swearing" portions, by placing the playback cursor at the beginning of the section to be cut, then using the split scene.

In the illustration above, I have taken several step-by-step screen shots.

Step 1. Place the playback cursor (green line) at the beginning of the audio portion to be removed, click split scene.

Step 2. Place the playback cursor (green line) at the end of the audio portion to be removed, click split scene.

**Note** I placed a yellow oval around the first cut.

Step 3. Isolate (click to select) the audio to be removed, and do one of the following:

  • Delete (pressing delete on the keyboard)
  • Use the center object handle to reduce the volume (this might require you zoom into the object)

I show above reducing the volume, you can reduce it to zero (0), so nothing is heard, you can repeat this through out the clip you have.

Once completed, you can export the clip out as a new video file, the edits will then take place.

I hope this helps.