
opusone wrote on 12/30/2009, 12:05 AM
I just got MAGIX music maker 15 and I am having problems with the "object" not being what they say they are. I get VITA errors while trying to use certain instruments. For example: some drum features on packet 4 when used give an error message saying: Failed to load VST plugin.. VITA. then it will play some stupid piano sound instead of the drum. Also the Icons for the object are different . I don't know if this is a difference file format or what.  it's supposed to be but I know all the objects don't seem to work. I hope I can get back into this forum because seems to dislike my password. I've tried to change and correct it but it keeps giving me some stupid remark about not entering it correctly. Anyway... good luck to all you new uses of Magix music maker 15.


volvox wrote on 1/6/2010, 7:00 AM
 Your problem sounds like a communication issue between Magix program and the computers RAM. Try deleting Music Maker, do a deep scan, to make sure no one has bugged you. Clean and compress hard drive, then reinstall Music Maker.