SMS2016 stops working when i press stop button on the recording panel

phalke2001 wrote on 2/26/2016, 6:45 PM


Whenever during working i press stop  button on the recordinng panel the SMS2016 stops working for many secons and I get a notice at the bottom left corner of the DAW RESET ALL THE MIDI DEVICES>>>>20%  

1) What is the problem..... The SMS2016 completely stops working

2) When does it occure? This occures whenever i press the stop button on the recording 


3) What type of hardware are you using......Roland MIDI keyboard Apro 300 and Presonus 22 vsl sound card

3)Which operating system you are using?.......Win 7 64 bits

4)What is the name of the software you are using and what is the version ?....Samplitude music studio 2016......

Thanks I hope i have address my question correctly. Kindly see the figure bottom left corner


phalke2001 wrote on 2/26/2016, 7:41 PM

Hi I got the answer. Since I am used to other DAWs i have a habit of pressing stop button few times to get it to zero position. In this DAW if i press second time then i get this stalling of the DAW. This stop button should not have  susch a sensitive application.It should only be programmed  for stopping

phalke2001 wrote on 3/4/2016, 7:54 PM

Hello alothogh i got the answer i did not get the meaning of the messeage in the left bottom corner of the DAW



Can any one tell me?