after submitting my URL with google I am having problems when searching for it using this search engine. The only way it will locate my webiste is if I type the full web address in the google search bar. Just typing in keywords does not locate my website?
At this point, the most important thing to keep in mind is that search engine listing and ranking usually takes a while. The web has gotten pretty, mind-bogglingly huge, and search engine are basically sending out their scripts to locate and analyze new content on a regular basis. Between all that data, it takes a while for some new site to be picked up.
Search engine ranking also depends on a lot of factors and is kind of complicated. However, if you have a few stand out keywords and your main intention is being listed at all, it gets a lot less complicated.
I'd very much recommend entering the term "Google" or "search engines" in the search function here on the website. This should bring up quite a few useful hits. There have been many question along these lines before with more comprehensive answers.