Screen size of movie is too big for TV

ivyhome wrote on 8/17/2009, 12:13 AM
I have burned a movie I made onto a DVD using the default DVD resolution settings of 720 x 480. But when playing the movie in my DVD player onto my 32 inch TV Screen, the image is too big for my TV screen and the sides and top are cut off.
How can I make it to fit my TV?
What settings do I need to use when burning a movie to DVD so that the picture all fits onto my TV screen?


ralftaro wrote on 8/17/2009, 6:31 AM

A lot of DVD player/TV setups tend to lose a bit of image information on each side when replaying a DVD. There's a function in Movie Edit Pro designed specifically to compensate for this loss and get all/most of the image information into the visible area. In Movie Edit Pro 15, go into the "Effects" menu to "Movie effects settings" and switch to the "TV cropping" tab. Here you can enter what percentage of image information is lost on each side and needs to be compensated for by the program. Make sure to tick the appropriate checkboxes, so the value actually gets applied to your project. (Ticking all checkboxes in this dialog would be fine.) The program will effectively resize the image to become a little smaller and restrict it to the area you have set.

If you want the best results possible, you should load the "TV Anti Cropping" project that was installed with the program. This will basically enable you to measure the exact percentages on your TV/DVD setup and enter them into the program for your future projects. Also see the documentation of the program on this topic.

I hope this helps.