Samplitude 14, Download Instruments and sounds

TrincheraMusic wrote on 12/5/2008, 5:07 PM
Hello all,

I promise I did look for the answer before posting this question.

There are several places from within Samplitude to go to the download more sounds and synths that take me here: Ok well it won't let me insert a link for some reason, but I get to the page with the four content packs and there is knowhere to click except the little arrows. Clicking on those start the waiting hourglass icon and I wait but nothing happens.  I have been trying for two days.
My manual has instructions for using these other synths but I only have about three loaded in my installation, so they seem like they are included with my purchase. Am I wrong? Do you know whats going on?  I don't think it's my popup blocker but could it be? or my firewall?
Thank you very much!


mrnobody2 wrote on 12/12/2008, 3:21 PM
I purchased the $44.99 version of the Samplitude 14, and was able to download all of the 4 sets.  I have a comcast high speed cable connection, and it still took a good while to download everything.  They total up to about 250 Mbs or more.  My problem is, that now that I have everything, I'm really having a hard time figuring out how to use it.  I'm having trouble setting up the drum kits, adjusting the tempo and rythem.  I can record my guitar track, but the drum beat is still a mystery at the present time.  If you've purchased and entered your activation code, you should be able to download all of the packs.  Pop-up blockers and firewalls are not an issue.  Depending on your pc speed, you'll just need to be patient.