Is there any possibility to import video with alpha channel into VPX8 and make it transparent? I've tried it with quicktime mov rgba, but no luck here. Maybe I should try another codec or something like that?...
Thanx, emmrecs! I've already read that thread, but first of all it's about MEP, while I have only VPX8. Secondly, even after reading that thread I didn't understand, if MEP can make RGBA transparent? Some guys say, that it's impossible, others claim, that it works with AVI. So, maybe someone can give me a simple straight answer?
. . . . it's about MEP, while I have only VPX8 . . .
It is the same principle whichever program you are using - MEP has some features which have not yet made into VPX - however Alpha video is not one of them.
. . . . . Some guys say, that it's impossible, others claim, that it works with AVI . . . .
It is possible - I think you may have missed the second part of my answer here.
Thanx, John! But now I have another stupid question - do you know any converter, that can convert rgba mov to avi? Since I'm doing all keying in DaVinci it doesn't have RGBA avi :(