Request for volume knob fix in Acid Pro 8!

elcheapo wrote on 5/2/2018, 1:46 AM

Hi, I know you guys are making improvements for later versions, I was hoping you could fix the volume knobs in Acid. The original Soundforge version was perfect, if you clicked anywhere near the volume knob it would move by one decibel. For some insane reason when Sony got the software they changed it so that clicking anywhere around the volume knob moves it by one TENTH of a decibel, essentially making that the default since clicking and dragging moves by a tenth also. Differences of a tenth of a decibel are basically inaudible. In fact it is quite difficult now to move it by a single decibel, as most of us would want, since you have to either type it in or find the magical tiny area not a millimeter above or below the volume line. I would hugely appreciate it if you changed it back to a default of one entire decibel and if people want tenths of decibels, which I assume most do not, they can type it in the box. thanks for reading!


sheppo wrote on 5/2/2018, 1:58 AM

this feels very much like a subjective thing. Having used Acid/Vegas products since the Sonic Foundry days I personally prefer how clicking NEAR the slider adjusts by 0.1, but clicking ON the slider adjusts by 1.0. Fine, you might not personally hear a difference, but when balancing a mix out that level of control is important. Additionally it allows fine grained changes; I can click 4 times and make 0.4 changes, for example, a lot easier than having to manually adjust the slider at pixel-perfect levels, or doubeclicking and reaching for the keyboard to type in a value.

The best trade off i can think of is to allow us to define define how much clicking near a slider adjusts its value in settings. I'll raise this as a feature request.

elcheapo wrote on 5/2/2018, 4:11 AM

Could be, I'd be interested to hear what other people think, maybe its just me that can't hear a tenth of a decibel. The fact remains its very hard to click exactly ON that slider without frustratingly missing and going a tenth of a decibel. Its a tiny margin of error to go the entire decibel, and very easy to go the tenth, when you usually dont need that level of accuracy in mixing. When you get down to the tenths of decibels you are fine tuning and almost finished with the mix, or you are mastering. During the majority of the mixing process you dont need it, and Acid isnt really a mastering program anyway. Either way you'd still have the slider and the box. A compromise would be to click above the bar for a whole db, below it for a tenth.