Repelling text around a picture

gron wrote on 7/19/2012, 6:33 AM

I am working on a project and need to repel text under a picture.  I have gotten this to work on this project already, so I know it works, but the last image I tried it on, is not allowing the repelling to happen.  I have done copy/paste from the existing one that works, and just revamping it, but that isn't working either.  I have also looked all the the settings, but it isn't happening. 

Any thoughts??  I am very strumped right now. 

Thank you!


gandjcarr wrote on 8/2/2012, 7:27 AM


You may want to check this video out to make sure you are setting your photo object up correctly.

Good Luck


webmaster10 wrote on 8/2/2012, 10:51 AM

If you right click your image you should see a selection "repel under text".Click on it and you should now be able to move your image and the words will move around it.