
gandjcarr wrote on 11/21/2013, 3:46 PM


To answer your question generally I would say no.  Itunes playlists are a function of the itunes application.  You could try to export the individual songs on itunes and then import them into photostory, but even then, many if not most of them will be subject to copyright restrictions and as such itunes will likely not allow you to export the files for use in another application.  You cannot use copyright material in any production that you create without the specific permission of the copyright holder, and itunes guards that copyright very well.  If you do manage to download the files individually from itunes, and publish your slide show on say Youtube, you will likely get a copyright hit on your Youtube account which unless you can prove that you have a valid license will have a negative impact on your account.  Using copyright material for anything other than personal listening is pretty much illegal in most countries in the world.  In addition, many audio files from services like itunes have DRM software imbedded in the audio tracks which will make the audio file virtually unuseable. 


gandjcarr wrote on 11/21/2013, 4:20 PM


It that is your intended use, then you could play the playlist on  your computer in a quiet room and record it susing a audio recorder like the one in windows or there are many others out there.  It would still be a violation of copyright, but tha would be up to you.
