publishing a domain

susanstone wrote on 8/10/2008, 11:04 AM
I have bought a '.com' domain and I have my sub-domain from when I first registered. I am now ready to publish my website.  When I press 'publish' how do I ensure that my .com and not my sub-domain will be published.  

Thanks for the answer below, maybe its me that is a novice but how can they be the same. My domain (.com) name is totally different from my sub-domain name. If they are the same why did I pay £10 ish for the .com

I want people to find my netball club not my personal name - very confused.


Man o' Lakes wrote on 8/11/2008, 4:01 AM
Basically, you don't.  When you get an additional domain, you don't lose the sub domain. But both are identical,  so whatever you publish, gets published. No difference
Man o' Lakes wrote on 8/12/2008, 5:39 AM
Simple, you  piad ca. a tenner, so that people don't have to try and find you under a subdomain which contains reference to Magix, and probably your name.

I buying a domain, you set up something that suits a netball club. You still only have one website, but now, instead of people having to look for it under a long .. url, they can find you at your very own address, ie url. That doesn't buy you an extra site, but it does get you your very own domain for the same site, ie your netball club.  You didn't lose the subdomain though, you never do. But simply list your domain when people want info on your club


Man o' Lakes wrote on 11/24/2008, 5:22 AM
Hi there,

you have your own domain now. You paid for the fact that it is yours, rather than subdomaining with Magix, with the Magix domain name always visible.  The website, ie what you produced is the same. Do you have deluxe? If so, you might well be to publish 2 different websites. Check with Magix support though. A tenner for your own domain isn't much if you think how much better and professional the whole thing looks. People will find your netball club as well.