Published Site (One page not working properly)

kudos1111 wrote on 3/7/2018, 6:12 PM

I am using Xara Designer Pro X, all updates as of 3/7/2018.

I have multiple pages on my website and all work perfectly accept one page.....

1st the nav bar does not show up once published? It is there in designer but when I do a preview or publish it, its like it never existed. I tried to delete it and went back to my first index page and clicked on the nav bar and repeat on all pages, it shows up on the designer page but again disappears when previewed or published.

2nd when loading website on cellphone, all the pages show all content and can be zoomed in and navigated with no problem. This page (same page) does not show all the content and will not allow me to zoom out to get the page in view.

I checked settings, all settings on all tabs from one page to another and everything is identical except length of pages of course.

I'm at a loss, I am hoping someone has ran into this previously and has an answer, I myself have not been able to locate an answer.



