problems with publishing two seperate websites with different website addresses

Aggs wrote on 3/28/2011, 6:22 AM


I have just updated my two seperate websites (with two seperate website addresses). Unfortunately for some reason (never happened before) one website is only shown but under two seperate addresses. So, if I try to publish one website the other one is shown as unrleased project and only one website is running but under both different website addresses. I have tried serveral times to publish both website seperately but either one or the other is shown under both different website addresses (and, yes I only click on the relevant website when publishing it). 

One website is a business website, the other one is a personal one. I bought two different domains so I see no reason why they are not publishing propertly under two seprate domains. (as before) 

Your help would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks.



Aggs wrote on 3/28/2011, 7:50 AM

I figured it out! In case you have similar problems the solution is in assignment. You need to go to my domains and you will see the list; you need to play with the assignment and also make sure that one of the album homepage is assign to the website you want to publish under different domain.

Hope it helps. It took me a while to do it. So I now have one account, two different websites with two different website addresses; and remember each time you make changes to one of your webiste and publish it also go to the my domain and assignment page. Otherwise your updated website will be published in all domains that you have with Magix. :)