Problem with exporting large websites in Web Designer 6!

jacobitejake wrote on 8/29/2010, 2:07 PM

Has anybody come across a problem with web designer when you export a large site with many pages.  I have built a large site and noticed as it grew that it took longer and longer to export and eventually crashed the program at the end of the export.  I've had to go back to using Serif x4 for now until support get back to me as I've heard that support aren't too quick to get back to people... just wondered if anyone else had experienced the same...


Kind regards




Former user wrote on 8/30/2010, 11:08 AM

What means "large site"? How many pages? How many pictures (approx.) ? How is the size of your projectfile (.web)? Do you mean exactly "Website export" oder "Export and publishing" (both)? What abou your internet connection?