Problem opening Web Designer Premium

Basiq wrote on 3/10/2019, 1:54 PM

In the last few days I've not been able to open any of my existing .web files. Web Designer Premium launches but during the process just hangs at 99%. I'm not able to go any further. I then click in the program main window and Windows throws up the "Close program / Wait for response" dialog box. I close the program. I then try again and I may actually get as far as the "Tip of the day" dialog box, but after I click 'close', the same thing happens. Nothing. The progress bar shows 99%.

I'm wondering whether to just re-install XWD but I'm not using the latest version and I've not renewed/upgraded to the latest version so not sure if re-installing would wipe the various components/pages I've also downloaded since purchasing WD?
(Note: I purchased the program in June 2017 (XWD Premium 12, 64-bit, plus backup CD), expired in June 2018, but the program has fulfilled my needs up to now. I had intended to eventually upgrade to the latest version but am not sure now given my current problems).

Any ideas / suggestions would be much appreciated.

Many thanks.


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