Problem Burning, PLEASE HELP.... COURSEWORK!!

footballman wrote on 4/30/2009, 1:22 PM
Hi, I bought this software for my A LEVEL Media exam and I need this to burn onto a DVD, it just wont work! I have blank DVD's in the computer but the software will not detect the driver/burner. I have this stored as a MVD file. Anyway to convert this to MP4, I just need it to open using Real Player, please help



siglersmalz wrote on 5/1/2009, 1:11 AM
It sounds like you need to run the Magix burn routine:

If you have Roxio or some other program that uses your DVD burner to burn movies, it will conflict with Magix DVD burn drivers.  The burn routine will set everything back for Magix.  Be sure to reboot after the install even if it doesn't prompt you for a reboot.

Hope this helps,

ralftaro wrote on 5/6/2009, 11:01 AM

What Tim said. There have already been countless topics on burning troubleshooting here. Just run a search and you will find more detailed information.

What I wanted to add: MPEG-4 export works via the "Export movie" function in the "File" menu of the program. Doesn't require any disc-burning, obviously. Also, if you really need to burn a standard video DVD but can't get the drive detected in Movie Edit Pro at all, just write a DVD image file to your hard drive and burn it to the DVD blank in whatever application you typically use that works on your system.