Posting slide show to web site not hosted by Magix?

rmtagg wrote on 7/16/2009, 8:16 PM
The reason I bought this soft ware was to be able to make slide shows to send to my clients that they could post to their web sites. I would like to save them to a dvd they could open and then load to their sites.  I have made a slide show but do not know how to save it or in what format for this purpose.  Can someone help me?  This is really inportant to the success of my business as well as eating, lol
I am using Xtreme Photo story, which outside of this seems really wonderful!
Thanks, Rosemary


ralftaro wrote on 7/20/2009, 9:26 AM
Hi there,

I just thought to myself that I answered I posted a relatively extensive answer to a question like this here recently. I just dug it up again and it turns out you were the one asking. 

Here's the link again:

Wasn't the information in there of any help? If that all still just sounds like technical mumbo-jumbo to you, you might be better off getting some local help for the technical implementation of the slideshow, as this probably goes beyond the possibilities of the forum here.

Also, keep in mind another thing I already mentioned in the previous post: If this is for client websites and they are in charge of the technical implementation of the slideshow, it is *their* responsibility to tell you in what format etc. they require the material in order to integrate it into their sites.

Good luck!