Playback always starts at beginning instead of at S marker.

wesviking wrote on 3/21/2010, 11:06 AM

At some point the video presentation I am working on developed this problem: When I click on play in the preview window it always jumps back to the first slide (beginning) and plays from there. It makes testing the slide show presentation impossible. It was playing from the S pointer, the place I clicked on the timeline. How can I reset this?


Securityman wrote on 3/21/2010, 1:14 PM
 I am not sure if this is the same as other Magix programs but, go to the program settings and see if the is a tab that allows you to set the playback behavior. You should be able to set it so the space bar stops the playback at the current location. I had this problem on MEP16 and final located the setting so I didn't go crazy during edit.
wesviking wrote on 3/23/2010, 6:01 PM
Followup to "Securityman". There is a "Settings" and "Slideshow" but no option to change anything to do with where playback is to start. I found an option to reset everything to "Default" but that did not change things either. I have become so frustrated with Magix Xtreme PhotoStory on CD & DVD 8. I love the program but I have now encountered 5 problems which I can't get around and there is NOBODY to ask.  The phone number they gave me on the invoice is disconnected, I have called the number from the Web Site about 10 times and it is always the same recording "We are very busy, please call back later." I'm stuck with the program and may use it to create certain effects and save them as MPEGs that I can use in other programs that do work. I just purchased Sony Vegas and am now creating a new presentation with it. If anybody can help me please do so
Securityman wrote on 3/23/2010, 9:49 PM
 Send them a message on Face Book. They have a harder time ignoring you there.