I'm using Magix Studio 2025 Platinum Version (UDP3).
All I am wanting to do is place a picture in the foreground of a video (like Picture in picture) but...
- I want to place the picture whereever I want on the screen
- I want to be able to increase or decrease the size (like animation) while it is on the screen
- I want to be able to apply a transition effects to the picture for in/out which only effects the picture not the ebtire screen
In Sony Vegas this was simple.
- Simple drag the picture to the timeline above the background video
- Grab the corner of the picture and resize it
- Click on the picture to move it whereever you want to place it.
- If you want it to move there was an animation timeline where you could assign a location for the picture to be at a certain time on the timeline.
- Also right to the left of the imported picture were options for applying a shadow or glow effect.
It was insanely simple. It literally took me longer to type this in than to have done this 3 times in Vegas.
How do you do this on this program?
Can anyone help me?