Hi all. Just purchased Photostory Deluxe (version and found a possible issue with music media already used in projects.
Any photos / graphics inserted into a project is then greyed out or with a small red square against it when the same folder is browsed during subsequent sessions. I had expected the same thing to happen with music once that had been inserted as well, but apparently it doesn't.
When I was working on the project yesterday each music file I inserted had a 'tick' against it in the folder, recording the fact that it had been used. I fully saved the project once the session had been done, and then reopened it this morning. When I browsed the same music folder on my hard-drive, none of the tracks used have any markings on them at all.
To test it the theory, I added a piece of music to the project which had been already included. The item was marked with a red square symbol in all display modes (list, details and large symbols). I then saved then project and closed Photostory completely.
When I reopened the project (using the link for recent projects) it opened correctly. The photos themselves had the red square as expected, but the music files were not marked in the same way. This is disappointing, as I'll now have to keep a separate list of music I've used to save duplication in the project. Not a great inconvenience I suppose, but an annoying one.
Has this issue been mentioned before / picked up as a bug/development request? I've searched for it in the support area but can't find anything about it.
Your comments would be appreciated. Cheers - Graham.