Photostory Deluxe export MPEG 4 not working

Vera-Fitzgerald wrote on 11/15/2018, 12:40 PM

I tried to export using MPEG 4. It asked me if I want to activate codec and I clicked ok. Export started and ran for 3 hours (over 1000 pictures in slideshow). At the end I get a Magix error with no wording just a caution sign. It does not export. I cannot figure out what the problem is. I'm reading that you have to purchase codec and then activate it. How do I purchase it? I can't find that anywhere. I registered after I purchased Magix online. Did I need to something other then register? Did I need to activate. I login to Magix and try to ask for an activation code but it wants a computer number. I don't know what that is. PLEASE HELP. I need this slideshow for Saturday.


dond10 wrote on 11/15/2018, 4:24 PM

I have just upgraded to Photostory VR from Deluxe and just exported to MP4 without problem but this was only 20 images. Being asked to activate codec does happen with Magix software which I have done in the past. I was not asked this first time with VR but that does not surprise me.

Have you tried a project with fewer images? try 50 or less to see if you can export.

Also do a restart of PC to start afresh


Vera-Fitzgerald wrote on 11/15/2018, 6:45 PM

@dond10 It actually exports now but it doesn't save it as a mp4 file even though I'm use Export to MPEG-4. It saves it as m2ts which is a huge file and not able to be used with Mac. The slide show is being use at a big event on Saturday and the person showing it says he needs a Mac compatible file


Vera-Fitzgerald wrote on 11/15/2018, 6:55 PM

@dond10 I have a question. When you upgraded were you able to use slideshow project created in Photostory Deluxe in the upgraded version?

emmrecs wrote on 11/16/2018, 4:36 AM


It actually exports now but it doesn't save it as a mp4 file even though I'm use Export to MPEG-4. It saves it as m2ts which is a huge file

That I cannot explain! I've just tested this with a very short sequence on my computer and it produced an .mp4 file!

My only thought is that there is some problem with activation of the mp4 codec (I see you have also posted to a similar thread in the Video forum). Can we just confirm that you are running version of PS Deluxe, that is the latest?

However, following up on dond10's suggestion to try a fewer number of slides; does the export "work" if you attempt to use, say, half the slides? In this way, and by gradually changing the number of slides used, it may be possible to isolate whether it is the number of slides which is critical to whether export to mp4 is successful.


Win 10 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 Quad Core 6700K @ 4GHz, 32 GB RAM, NVidia GTX 1660TI and Intel HD530 Graphics, MOTU 8-Pre f/w audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

dond10 wrote on 11/16/2018, 8:09 AM

@dond10 I have a question. When you upgraded were you able to use slideshow project created in Photostory Deluxe in the upgraded version?

Yes - But...…..

When I upgraded I had to download all the menu, template, transition...…..for VR and when I opened a Deluxe project in VR a warning was shown that it may be faulty. It did work but the warning said that it could not find 2017 Deluxe videoeffects masterobject.jpg, which was understandable as I had deleted Deluxe off my PC and would VR find them if I had not(see screenshot). I selected to Skip all and the project opened up and ran but with some of the images on different layers.

Last changed by emmrecs on 11/16/2018, 10:38 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Reason: To correct formatiing


Levono Thinkpad, 8th gen i5-8250u CPU @ 1.60ghz, 16Gb ram, Radeon RX 550 graphics card, Crucial P5 500Gb M 2 SSD & Samsung 860 1Gb SSD