photostory deluxe 10 crashes during the dvd burn process

rgadavis wrote on 5/24/2012, 1:34 AM

When I go to burn my project to DVD it starts out fine, then sends me a "crash" notice.  I did a short, 47 second "test" that I burned to DVD just fine, and when I went to burn the completed 17 minute video, no matter what I tried, I could not get it to work.

In the box that comes up after I decide to burn it says "encode all, encode, use, use all" and I am not sure what else.  Which one am I supposed to chose?  Could this be my issue?

I just did a project 5 months ago that worked just fine.  I have windows 7


Someone PLEASE help me............I have 60 sets of parents expecting an exceptional slideshow of their children to be shown at graduation in just 2 weeks!!


john-auvil wrote on 5/24/2012, 10:35 AM

First, make sure you have all the latest downloads and such... that could be an issue.

When in doubt, I encode all. It takes longer, but at the point of burning a disc, I am pretty much done so time is not an issue.

Last, you can also take this project you made and export it out as a MPEG-2 file. DVD quality... this is the same file that is normally burned onto disc. With this exported file, you can use any burn software that might not have an issue currently and burn to disc.

The other thing I do, is I save the project, then reboot the computer to make sure all my resources are available before I burn.

I hope something I have said helps.

rgadavis wrote on 5/24/2012, 11:42 AM

When I used it a couple of months ago, a window popped up that asked if I wanted the updates, so I went ahead and did that at the time.

I will go back and try again and hit "encode all".  Do I click on both boxes above as well?

I did save is as an MPEG-2 file, which I then put on a stick, but the page-turn style transitons were choppy.  I will try to burn this on a DVD and see how it goes.  I have had no trouble with my burner, except when using this program!

Your tips have really helped and it is great to know that there is a human out there to help me....Magix, as I am sure you know, is of no help at all.


rgadavis wrote on 5/24/2012, 11:44 AM

How do I know if I have all the latest downloads now?

rgadavis wrote on 5/25/2012, 10:43 AM

It worked finally!!!      Here is what I did:

Instead of burning it straight to a DVD I chose to save it to my computer.  For the "Output Options" I chose  HD Quality 1, and in the box to the right "MPEG 2".  It took about 1 hour to save a 17 minute, 2GB slideshow.

I then burned it to DVD using Windows DVD Maker, which also took about an hour.  The only issue I had, which really is no issue at all, is the Windows program puts the menu page at the end of the slideshow, so when you put the disk in the player it just starts up.  No big deal actually, and the Windows program has some nice menu pages anyway.

Also, the image quality was much sharper by burning it thru the Windows program than it was when I burned projects thru the Magix program. 


BIG THANKS to John Auvil !!!