Photostory. Blank final screen with title won't burn/show on the dvd

cd4us wrote on 10/31/2012, 8:05 AM

My final slide on Photostory is a picture with a title that fades to black (or blank, no picture) but holds the title as the music fades out. This appears correct in the preview but when I burn to the DVD it does not show the hold to black with the title. I figure there must be a setting in the burn mode that I am unaware of. How do I get the final title on black to hold and show up on the dvd?


john-auvil wrote on 10/31/2012, 9:33 AM

What PhotoStory do you have?

Does that final title show on the DVD? What I am asking is does the title show, it just does not fade out....

I can try this out, but maybe you can add in a picture at the end that is just a black background... I am not sure if that has something to do with it... It might be that the duration of the fade ends because there is not graphic there that is also fading out.

What I just said makes sense in my head, but I am not sure words do it justice. I would need to know what version of the software you have in order to really do the answer justice.

cd4us wrote on 10/31/2012, 12:09 PM

Hi John, I have the PhotoStory for DVD MX version (just got it). I understand what you are saying but when I view it on the computer is looks fine and holds the title on black until the sound track background ends and then goes off and to complete black. I just can't figure out why it won't do that when I burn it to a dvd.

How would I create a black 'photo'?

john-auvil wrote on 10/31/2012, 12:42 PM

I will test this once I find the program.

For making a black photo... I recommend using Windows Paint. Just open that up, use the paint can icon to make the whole area black and save that. It doesn't even need to be the same size since it is the same color pixel it shouldn't matter... At least, that is how I have made different color backgrounds that I sometimes use for text backdrops. This way I can keep a color continuity through-out a project... like wedding themes, anniversary, birthdays and what not.