Photostory 9: Picture in Picture Templates Missing from Trial Download

Freemgl wrote on 10/13/2010, 10:49 AM

I would like to try the PIP effect, but there are no templates provided on the trial.  I am concerned that there is something amiss.  Does anyone have a PIP template they can send me that I can try?  If I purchase the product, will I get the templates?  On on the disk version (requires $5 shipping) or will it come with the download version?


Has anyone used PIP?  How good is it with this product?  Any feedback is appreciated.


john-auvil wrote on 10/13/2010, 11:01 AM

I have the DLV or Download Version of PhotoStory 9 Deluxe, and I see 62 templates. I am not sure how to send them though, but I can tell you they are there.


Maybe the Trial didn't have them for saving size for download... hard to say.


The way I used them is... I load in the main image, then the secondary image(s) then select them all and go to Effects, Picture-In-Picture and select the template then from the list shown by double clicking it (single click gives you a preview). That's all there is to it.

Laeti wrote on 11/20/2010, 10:51 PM

Hello there,


Actually I have a problem on my side too with the PIP.

No problem to "make them" (selecting as many as you want and clicking on the desired effect) - but the problem for me is rather how to suppress the effect ! once it is done, it is a nighmare ! Even when I cancel the object, the effect remains and automatically vampirises the next pictures.... the image coming "within the picture" is nowhere to be seen on the variuos tracks and I have no way to supress it... can you please teach me how to do ?


Thank you !!!!