Photostory 2014 imported VOB no audio

jpetzing wrote on 7/3/2014, 6:59 PM

A few things are driving me crazy about this program.

1. The manual says that in Storyboard view I can double click any duration to change it. Not true, the cursor is a hand and double clicking does nothing.

2. I imported a 5 minute VOB file (unprotected), but I can't get its audio to play. I can see the audio envelope underneath the video object on timeline, but no sound. I've tried "reset volume curve" no no avail. BTW, I see no way to adjust the volume curve anyway, it's just a thin green horizontal line with no handles. The cursor becomes a small triangle when near the volume curve, but all you can do is draw dotted rectangles -- nothing changes the horizontal line.

Possibly my problems are because I started this project with the "Travel" movie template and the video was dropped into a "Wide" placeholder. Eventually I figured out that the placeholders were useless and deleted the rest of them.


jpetzing wrote on 7/27/2014, 7:25 PM

In case anyone sees this and wants an answer, the solution to the missing audio turned out to be relatively simple. I had used a template when starting my project. The video file was dragged onto a picture template, and PS 2014 Deluxe apparently couldn't handle that. Although the video would play, the audio wouldn't.

Same issue with trying to change slide durations. Templates just don't allow that, they are really not very customizable.

I used the online technical support form to contact Magix, and the solution was arrived at after some give and take and screenshots with tech support.
