Photo Story Easy v2 Crashing Each Time I OPen

scabbyian wrote on 5/17/2019, 6:32 AM

Firstly, each time that I open this program I receive a pop-up about upgrading. Despite ticking not to show again it reappears constantly. After closing the pop-up an error message is received and closes the program.

I have sent in an email through the support site requesting help but I don't know if that has been received as I have not had any receipt confirmation. Trying to speak to someone is almost impossible and I don't see why I should pay for this when I have only just bought the software.

Can anyone help. I have Windows 10, a Ryzen5 processor and 16Gb of memory.

The error message is

CrashDump 20190517_105228_v2.0.1.53.dmp successfully written

Error in module "SMPWrapper.DLL" (Load address: 0x70800000) to address 0x708024d7
Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000024f4)
  eax=20fbf018  ebx=20fbd014  ecx=00000e3f  edx=000000b3
  esi=248bdffd  edi=046ffa50  ebp=04c5ff1c  esp=04c5fea0
  eip=708024d7  Flags=00010287

  708024cf   00 8b 44 24 14 0f 57 d2
  708024d7 > f3 0f 10 16 66 0f 60 d5
  708024df   83 c6 03 66 0f 61 d5 66

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos.exe 04.12.2014  13:27   184cff72

Memory Allocation
Base:  776
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  3.125.304
PI_TEMP_DATA: 24.000
SI:  2.469.840
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  3.530.680
BE Pool:  196
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 76.451.332(28)
B.cache mapped: 25.655.360(2)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  6.739.320(6.739.320/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 0
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  200
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  2.940.608

VP: admin:  84
VP+Trans: privateData:  20
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  640
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 260 MByte

Pentium 4 (AuthenticAMD)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
708024D7  04C5FF1C  SMP_EndResizeDib+737
71951BE3  04C5FF64  vcomp_fork+2A5
71957393  04C5FF80  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
75358494  04C5FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+24
770941C8  04C5FFDC  RtlAreBitsSet+88
77094198  04C5FFEC  RtlAreBitsSet+58

MAGIX Photostory easy  17.05.2019  10:58
CrashDump 20190517_105845_v2.0.1.53.dmp successfully written

Error in module "SMPWrapper.DLL" (Load address: 0x70800000) to address 0x708024d7
Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001b50)
  eax=23c0c018  ebx=23c0a014  ecx=00000e3f  edx=000000b3
  esi=2628dffd  edi=0492fa50  ebp=189dff1c  esp=189dfea0
  eip=708024d7  Flags=00010287

  708024cf   00 8b 44 24 14 0f 57 d2
  708024d7 > f3 0f 10 16 66 0f 60 d5
  708024df   83 c6 03 66 0f 61 d5 66

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos.exe 04.12.2014  13:27   184cff72

Memory Allocation
Base:  776
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  3.114.384
SI:  2.412.440
SI_TEMP_DATA: 31.040
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  3.530.700
BE Pool:  280
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 31.003.280(23)
B.cache mapped: 25.655.360(2)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  6.739.320(6.739.320/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 0
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  50
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  2.940.608

VP: admin:  168
VP+Trans: privateData:  40
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  45.536
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 274 MByte

TLS:  939
MXGUI:  53.207.844
Sum:  97.866.346

Pentium 4 (AuthenticAMD)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
708024D7  189DFF1C  SMP_EndResizeDib+737
71951BE3  189DFF64  vcomp_fork+2A5
71957393  189DFF80  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
75358494  189DFF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+24
770941C8  189DFFDC  RtlAreBitsSet+88
77094198  189DFFEC  RtlAreBitsSet+58

MAGIX Photostory easy  17.05.2019  11:23
CrashDump 20190517_112316_v2.0.1.53.dmp successfully written

Error in module "SMPWrapper.DLL" (Load address: 0x6f490000) to address 0x6f4924d7
Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00002c08)
  eax=222d5018  ebx=222d3014  ecx=00000e3f  edx=000000b3
  esi=21c6dffd  edi=0213fa50  ebp=04a1ff1c  esp=04a1fea0
  eip=6f4924d7  Flags=00010287

  6f4924cf   00 8b 44 24 14 0f 57 d2
  6f4924d7 > f3 0f 10 16 66 0f 60 d5
  6f4924df   83 c6 03 66 0f 61 d5 66

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos.exe 04.12.2014  13:27   184cff72

Memory Allocation
Base:  776
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  3.112.200
SI:  2.386.200
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  3.530.680
BE Pool:  196
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 75.975.940(25)
B.cache mapped: 25.655.360(2)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  6.739.320(6.739.320/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)

Display Cache: 0
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  50
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  2.940.608

VP: admin:  168
VP+Trans: privateData:  40
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  640
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 250 MByte

TLS:  956
MXGUI:  53.207.844
Sum:  97.726.202

Pentium 4 (AuthenticAMD)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

 Call stack:
Address   Frame
6F4924D7  04A1FF1C  SMP_EndResizeDib+737
6F481BE3  04A1FF64  vcomp_fork+2A5
6F487393  04A1FF80  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
75358494  04A1FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+24
770941C8  04A1FFDC  RtlAreBitsSet+88
77094198  04A1FFEC  RtlAreBitsSet+58



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