Photo on Website "in behandeling" On English Website "processing"

harold-enlanny wrote on 8/18/2009, 4:14 AM

When I upload photo's to my Website the photo's are not displayed but stay as " in behandeling" and thus will not be displayed correctly.
This has only happened to me in the last couple of days.
I have tried this on my already online WebSite. but I also created a new website and the same error happened there. I also can reproduce the error from different PC's.

Has anything changed on the online album software?

Harold Hulskers


ralftaro wrote on 8/18/2009, 6:29 AM
Hello Harold,

I just checked in my online album and it seems to work fine. The thumbnail images appear in the Online Media Manager immediately and also display on the album website right away.

Does the problem persist on your end right now when you upload new images? What are the typical dimensions and file sizes of your images? Does any given image really stay in the processing state permanently, or is it done after a while, even if it takes a few minutes or hours longer than before?

harold-enlanny wrote on 8/18/2009, 7:20 AM
After you posted your mail I tried again.
It now seems to work again.
Yesterday (monday and earlier today) the thumbnails stayed as thumbnails for hours. Even the one I loaded yesterday morning was still a thumbnail.

Now when I load .jpg's again (mostly around 250Kb) the thumbnails immediately change into pictures again.

Strange but as nothing changed on my PC's I assume "online" has restarted sth or changed sth.

Anyway it seems to work again and I will report again when needed.
