Patch for Music Maker | version

ralftaro wrote on 8/28/2023, 8:11 AM

Hi all,

Another update for Music Maker has just gone live. This time we wanted to respond quickly to your feedback on the last update, so we fast-tracked this smaller patch. For us, it's right back to work on Music Maker, and you can expect further improvements and bug fixes in yet another update in the near future. Here are the official patch notes:

Changes in patch compared to

  • Fixed problems with the use of the starter pack (Note: If you still have problems, please rescan the sound pools in the program settings > General).
  • Problems with restoring the window layout fixed
  • Dropdown menu in MIDI Editor visible again
  • Problems with scanning VST instruments fixed

As always, the patch will be deployed via the program's automatic update function, which you can also trigger via the "Update program online" option in the "Help" menu. (In more current product generations, this will take you to the start dialogue to trigger the actual patch download.)  Please keep in mind that, under the current Music Maker product concept, you'll be able to patch your way up to the current product generation and revision from any version starting in generation 25.x of the software. The release of this latest patch also marks the availability of a new full installer, which now allows the jump from generation 31.x to generation 32.x via the program's automatic update function.
