PanoramaStudio2 - How do I publish in Desigener Pro

billhercus wrote on 8/7/2012, 6:31 AM

Unable to find any information about how to get stitched PanoramStudio2 picture published on the web in Designer Prox.

I have many other Flah objects published successfully, but this one beats me!

Is there a Tutorial or does anyone have clear instructions on how to do this.  I am unable to find any info on Magix or Xara sites which seems a shame!


gandjcarr wrote on 8/10/2012, 10:46 AM


If your photo was saved as a jpeg or other file supported in Web Designer, you should just be able to drag it into your web site. How or what application it was created in should make no difference unless your PanoramaStudio application is saving the file as some proprietary format that is not common.


Good Luck

billhercus wrote on 8/12/2012, 2:31 PM

Have got the answer from the people who make the program.



To embed  the html page with the panorama into another page you can use an IFRAME element. With some HTML editing you can insert a panorama into any other page using:
<iframe src="Path to your panorama.html" width="same as the panorama" height="same as the panorama" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"> </iframe>


Just use the Placeholder and insert as shown above.  Helpful if you make the panorama size a little smaller then the placeholder size (about 20 or 30 pixels) to avoid scroll bars appearing.