Online Media Manager

carnealse wrote on 10/15/2008, 4:38 PM
I cannot figure out how to get to anything very useful here.
Mainly the online media manager to delete a folder, to manage the media in a new folder, etc.
This site is poorly laid out in my opinion.  There should be clear menus to get to such things as media manager, the Q&A should be combined with the knowledge section, the forums like questions should be divided so asking about music does not bring up answers for video, get it.
I cannot find any good or extensive tutorials, I cannot find sufficient answers to what seems like questions I think should be sticky posts.
So how do I navigate easily to my media manager and actually manage the thing?


XXMerosticXX wrote on 10/17/2008, 4:05 AM
1. You are talking about & Online Media Manager, don't you? Why did you choose "This question refers to Music Maker"? This is pretty confusing!

2. has nothing to do with the Online Media Manager. This thing manages your media for your album website, not here. You can manage the media you uploaded here right in your profile. This is a stand-alone multimedia knowledge community.

3. Q&A and Knowledge together....well, I can imagine why you think so. But take a short view over to the german There are many, many questions a day..(mainly answered within the first 5-6 hours). And there are more user-workshops. Mixing this up, would make it pretty confusing. You can expect (or at least hope) that you'll get as much content as over there in here pretty soon.

Another thing: Workshops refer to products or internet-services. The categorization within Questions & Answers is much more detailed.

4. Well, no one wrote tutorials in here yet. I am working on one right now.

5. The question & answers section IS divided up. Have a look to your right. You can choose categories, like "Music". After doing so you can use the search box to the right. Make sure to choose "Search current category". Here you go.