Hi, I'm having the exact same problem, in my case just the numbers in the end change, I guess they're date related: 504 | jsonfolders.php | 20230311:0713
Any help will be greatly appreciated. I hope it gets solved for you too imaginaction, or if it already has, if you could share, that would be wonderful. Thank you very much.
I submitted a ticket on this months ago. Magix responded, and suggested it was my antivirus program that was at fault. I explored that, and thought I had it fixed, so the ticket was closed. But I still have the problem. I can sometimes get to the online catalogue by trying to insert a table or other item instead of strictly trying to open the online catalogue directly, but it's hit or miss. It's frustrating to see the number of people experiencing the same problem, and there has been no resolution after all this time.
Magix responded, and suggested it was my antivirus program that was at fault.
Write back to Magix and tell them that that is not true and that they know it. We have been complaining about this for a year. It's a timeout error and it is on their side, they just don't want to admit it.
I raised a ticket on this and I'll do it again. I suggest that others do the same. Tell them that it is not just you and that they are well aware of the problem and should fix it.
If you keep trying, you will get in after 3 to 20 tries.