I've been a fan of Sound Forge for a while; but I haven't used one feature for a while now, and that is: Noise Profiling for Noise Reduction.
What I mean is, where you take a sampling of some 'back ground noise' in a clip (such as a motor hum or fan noise) and then utilize that as a 'Noise Profile' to apply to the rest of the entire clip, resulting in that 'noise' being 'removed' (not entirely of course, and some fidelity is lost, but it works for the most part).
I haven't tried it in a while (in any audio application) and was looking around in my Sound Forge Audio Studio 10 - and didn't see anything like that so far - so I was wondering:
Is there such a type of noise reduction function in Sound Forge Audio Studio?
Do I have to 'upgrade' to Sound Forge Pro for this type of function?
Thank you for any input!