No global memory in MyAllocGlobalPtr for type 31

Steve-Westcott wrote on 8/20/2022, 11:38 AM

Anyone know what is causing this error when using the "Search for faces" action? Added a comment to someone else's post, but realised it was from 2021, so have raised a new post.

I'm new to using Magix Photo Manager and getting this error whenever trying to use the facial recognition. Think it may be happening when loading a panoramic photo, but not sure.

Any ideas?


SweLuzi wrote on 11/28/2022, 2:02 PM

I second this thread. I have the exact same error messsage when browsing through my picture (all jpg taken with a Samsung Galaxy S21). It does not pop up for every image, but it pops up for many of them. I cannot see a difference between the images.

Any ideas?