newbie needs some help

fuyu wrote on 1/19/2013, 6:13 AM

Hey, I'm having problems to get my websites on net. I just bought xara web designer 7 premium, and when I try to upload new pages on my old sites on freewebs, (I even tryed to upload it in magic), but It won't show the pages. I try to name pages with .htm or .html ending, but my computer keeps adding to pages .web ending, even when I change the savetype from web to all files. I getted somehow something to magic sites, but it only shows background color of the page... and I should have uploaded all the pictures on too

when I try upload it trought the program, it says the internet was time cutted, but I have crappy net...


I would also like to know how to make flash animation to my website, atleast the program have the tools, but it won't let me do anything...

and how I do layers on that program, I watched tutorials, but they wasn't for this program, and I don't seem to find layer tools on that program anywhere...


fuyu wrote on 1/19/2013, 8:37 AM

now I managed to get somehow some pages showin in magic, but why it won't show those same pages on freewebs...?

gandjcarr wrote on 1/19/2013, 8:54 AM


You are asking two very different questions here.  One is about uploading your site to a hosting account (I assume you have a hosting account) and the other is how to create flash animation.

As far as uploading your site.  First you need to export your web site to a folder.  Either choose file/export or click here.

You should get this dialogue box

The export should look something like this in windows explorer

Now you are going to need to upload the above to your hosting account using ftp (something like filezilla client).

As for your question on flash animation, what are you trying to animate and how are you going about creating the animation?



fuyu wrote on 1/19/2013, 11:43 AM

Thanks, I might move my pages to magix, it seems to be easier :)


I wanted to try creating something like slideshow of pictures, imeges that keep changing sliding. I also wanted to make mouseover effect like this  but I don't find those layers...

fuyu wrote on 1/19/2013, 5:29 PM

Jes, I finally found those layers, and succeed to make those pop up pictures. Now I need only some tips to make that slideshow :)

terrypin wrote on 2/16/2013, 4:51 AM


You might also check out this set of 90 tutorials. I don't have Xara Web Designer myself, but at a glance it looks a great resource for those who do.


Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Last changed by terrypin on 2/16/2013, 9:26 AM, changed a total of 3 times.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK. PC: i7 6700K, 4.0 GHz, 32GB with Win 10 pro. Used many earlier versions of MEPP, currently mainly MEPP 2016 & 2017 (Using scores of macro scripts to add functionality, tailored to these versions.)