New update available for Samplitude Pro X8 and Pro X8 Suite

ProAudioTeam wrote on 2/14/2024, 3:46 AM

A new update is available for Samplitude Pro X8 and Pro X8 Suite, which can be installed via the auto-update directly in Samplitude or manually from the following links:


IMPORTANT: Requires Windows 10 or 11.


Samplitude Pro X8

Samplitude Pro X8 Suite


Here is an overview of the changes:

Samplitude Pro X8 Suite 19.1.2 Build 23428

[SEQ-8393] VST MIDI Send to another track didn't work anymore

[SEQ-8365] Some VST3-Plugins didn't work as MIDI-Plugins (e.g. BlueArp)

[SEQ-8371] Crashes when changing DeNoiser sample while playback

[SEQ-8412] Play cursor flickered when changing the start position during playback

[SEQ-8384] Line breaks entered in the info manager for object comments were not displayed correctly in the object editor

[SEQ-8366] ARA: Program freeze with VocAlign plugins after inserting as track effect in empty track

[SEQ-8416] ARA: Crash after editing in the info manager

[SEQ-8357] Export dialog: Export to 32bit float with glue selected objects option active was exported as 24 Bit instead.

[SEQ-8406] Wrong object footer text color for folders in Carbon skin

[SEQ-8400] Wrong arrangement text color after skin change and restart of program

[SEQ-8398] Some corrected translations (EN)

[SEQ-8380] Muted objects drawn with half wave forms created graphical glitch

[SEQ-8369] Wrong AUX send coloring in mixer with -inf send level

[SEQ-8346] Marker line was drawn while moving CD and punch markers

[SEQ-8408] Duplicated drop-down display in object editor

[SEQ-8274] Possible issue with creating too many take entries after moving recorded objects


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